

30 Ocak 2012 Pazartesi

A SnapShot From a Volunteer's Hand

''A snap shot from a volunteer's hand project'' is basically an art and culture project with the activities such as volunteers' taking professional documentary photograph lessons and implementing the gained skills in the area and taking handicraft courses. Furthermore, in the project volunteers will have the chance to come together with Turkish youngsters having fewer opportunities. During these meetings our volunteers will share their own experiences about EVS and also the youngsters will have the opportunity to see the European Union opportunities from our volunteers point of view. Therefore, it is hoped to link between countries and contribute to cultural diversity and European awareness. The project will take place in Gaziantep, Turkey. Taşev Training, Culture and Youth Association (TASEV) will be the Host and Coordinator Organisation for the project. The duration of the activities is 5 months, from 1st July to 30th October 2011 .There will be two volunteers one of which is from Lithuania and the other is from Spain. In the project it is aimed to contribute to the interaction of cultures and collapsing the wall of prejudices as well. To be able to achieve this goal, there will be such activities as volunteers' taking photographs of some certain historical and cultural sites of Gaziantep and then publishing them in a web site and displaying in an exhibition. And the volunteers will come together with disadvantaged youngsters in Gaziantep to share their experiences and cultures and to try to understand one another. During the project it is aimed to make feel the volunteers that they will learn by doing and we will encourage them to do by themselves. By using non-formal education methodologies such as brain stormings, discussion groups, city huntings we will try to show them how to improve themselves and by doing so to produce effective and unforgettable outcomes in the end of the project.

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